7:45 AM

Eep...that didn't go as wanted

Note to self: migrating blogs should be left to the professionals.

I've been idle here for quite some time, but expect that to change very soon. I've decided to make a foray into Baroque dance, and what better way to keep myself on track then to blog about it?

I'm scared and excited - this is the first time I've moved far, far out of my comfort zone with dance in quite some time!

9:41 AM

I just did something scary :)

And it didn't hurt a bit! Well, it was nerve-wracking...

I was casting around on the internet yesterday looking for more film work when I decided to take a look at Lucasfilm. Why not, I thought. I have little to no experience, so there isn't really anything there I qualify for.

Except....there kinda was. They had a single PA position listed with ILM.

I went back and forth about this for a long time. They recommended a film degree or something similar, which I don't have....but everything else I would be perfect for. Waking up early? Being organized? Doing admin work? Catering for a crew? Tracking dailies? All part of my suite of superpowers.

I decided in the end to go ahead and apply, since I had nothing to lose. If they didn't like it, they wouldn't contact me. It's such a long shot it isn't even in the park, but if I didn't do it, I would regret it. 2011 is the year of giving it a go with everything I have, and for that to work, I need to do it.

So I did.

7:44 AM


This past Friday, I had an absolutely lovely happy hour at Z cucina with the sweetie and two friends of ours, specifically Felice and her husband. We, of course, spent the time talking dance and other silliness, and I am incredibly excited to have her come teach "But I already danced..." with us :D

It turns out we both just started on websites (finally!), and have decided we MUST work together more often. Like in Chillicothe...in March...in 1803. Thankfully, this is a time period I'm familiar with, so hopefully we'll be able to choose something fun to teach. The question now is how complex should we teach the steps? A lot of the turn of the 19th Century steps are quite complex and beautiful...but for beginners it can be very intimidating. How much should we err on the side of historical accuracy is now the question.

Hopefully this week we'll be able to sit down with youtube, a book stack and a delicious appetizer and work it out. Sometimes its nice living around the corner from your friends!

7:27 AM

15th Century Hats!

This spring, I am going to be helping out with a really fantastic event - Lysts on the Lake - put on by an old and dear friend of mine, Steve Hemphill. It's going to be out on Richard Garriot's property - where I've previously done birthday parties and a bit of theater. I'm incredibly excited about it!

What is even more exciting is that I'm going to get a whole new costume for it -- Mid-15th Century Burgundian. Which means....really awesome hats. Check these portraits of Mary of Burgundy out!

I love the hat on the left one. LOVE. Like, so much. But most of you are well aware that I adore hats - the larger and more crazy period hat the better. I need to check up and see whether or not this is actually a semi-period drawing, or if it is one of the later 'reinterpretations' of the time, but hopefully its alright. If you click on the pictures, it will open them in another window so you can see them a little more clearly.

The right hand one, I am enamored of the dress. It's later period than I think Dawn was hoping for, as it is lacking the v-neck you see a little earlier in time, but I love the brocade. I can't wait to get started on this project! Anything that lets me wear a pointy hat is awesome in my book!

3:39 AM

Hey neato! We're listed!

Larry Staats was kind enough to submit our class to the Columbus Folk Music Society page:


If you scroll down to January 22 - there we are :) Totally awesome!!

10:05 AM

More dancing in Ohio!

Howdy all!

In the last three or four months...things have become a little more hectic and productive at the same time. Which, to be fair, always happens it seems. The new dance group at OHS did FANTASTIC! I am beyond proud of everyone who participated and am really excited about our next projects together. I'm pretty sure that we were one of the most popular attractions at Halloween, and we kept the Seminary PACKED for Dickens. Go us!

Now on to the next fun projects....monthly dance classes at the Grandview Public Library, 1930's classes for the Speakeasy, maybe some fun 1860's balls at the German Village Society...and me finally tackling a website for the first time since 2002. Help?

Anyway -- for those of you in the Columbus area, I'm starting a new class over at the library. I'm calling it 'But I already Danced all the Dances I know' - and it is an informal dance class that will be held once a month. I decided to open this class series up as an opportunity for everyone to come together and learn dances from the early Renaissance all the way through the Civil War in a safe, fun, and non-stressful environment. I can't WAIT to get started. If you're not on my email list and would like to - drop me a note and I'll get you the information!

Yay Dance!!