9:41 AM

I just did something scary :)

And it didn't hurt a bit! Well, it was nerve-wracking...

I was casting around on the internet yesterday looking for more film work when I decided to take a look at Lucasfilm. Why not, I thought. I have little to no experience, so there isn't really anything there I qualify for.

Except....there kinda was. They had a single PA position listed with ILM.

I went back and forth about this for a long time. They recommended a film degree or something similar, which I don't have....but everything else I would be perfect for. Waking up early? Being organized? Doing admin work? Catering for a crew? Tracking dailies? All part of my suite of superpowers.

I decided in the end to go ahead and apply, since I had nothing to lose. If they didn't like it, they wouldn't contact me. It's such a long shot it isn't even in the park, but if I didn't do it, I would regret it. 2011 is the year of giving it a go with everything I have, and for that to work, I need to do it.

So I did.


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